Dr. Kyana Young
Marquette University
Dr. Kyana Young is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Marquette University. Her research focuses on drinking water treatment and drinking water quality, where her previous work has included advanced oxidation treatment processes for drinking water treatment technology projects in Haiti, Sierra Leone, China, and Hong Kong. Dr. Young received her doctorate in Environmental Engineering from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. As a McNair Scholar, Dr. Young earned a National Science Foundation (NSF) fellowship from the East Asia Pacific Summer Institute, the NSF Integrative Graduate Education Research Traineeship Certificate for Humans and the Global Environment, as well as the NSF Graduate Engineering Research fellowship from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Dr. Young, is also co-chair of the Water and Health Committee with the American Public Health Association (APHA), a Section Councilor in the Environmental Section of the APHA, and serves as an executive editor for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization – Michigan State University Global Water Pathogen Project.