Become A Member

Any company, federal research and development organization, or any government-owned contractor-operated laboratory may become a sponsor of the center.


The annual fee schedule is:

Full Members pay an annual fee of $50,000 and are granted one vote  as part of the Industrial Advisory Board.  Full members have the option of paying for two full memberships ($100,000) annually and exercising two votes in the IAB.

Associate Members pay an annual fee of $25,000 and are granted one-half vote as part of the Industrial Advisory Board.

Affiliate Members making an approved in-kind contribution pay no annual fee.  Affiliate members have no voting rights and no access to royalty-free licensing of center Intellectual Property.

For additional information on becoming a member please contact any of our WEP Center staff members:
Center Director:  Dr. Qian Liao - (414-229-4228)    [email protected] 
Marquette Site Director: Dr. Daniel Zitomer – (414-288-5733)  [email protected]
Center Industry Liaison Officer - Mike Andrew - (414-251-8313)  [email protected]